O2 Trainer Review - O2Trainer - O2Trainer.com

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O2 Trainer Review

December 08, 2018 3 min read

I just got my O2 trainer today, that was really fast shipping for free shipping. I was so excited that I got it in I went to the gym even though I was going take a rest day. I am from Hawaii (just moved to Memphis, pooey) and use to spear fish. We use to make our own breathing trainers with old snorkels and tape. I know I have great cardio, I love to run, sprint and get my roadwork in for boxing; so I wanted to find something to help improve my cardio more than it is without over training.

So when I got into the gym I first jumped on the treadmill with the nose clip and level 1 size. I was suffering after the first minute. It felt like I was dragged under a heavy set of waves and fighting to get back to the surface. After 5 minutes I could see in the mirror that I was turning very visibly white. I kept going at a 7mph pace working on deep breaths. I made it through 30 minutes of running and was gasping when I took the o2 trainer out.

After I recovered I got into the boxing ring with the trainer, no nose clip and the level 6 size. I did 3-3minute shadow boxing rounds with the last 30seconds burpees. I was gasing out fast, it was close if not worse than full sparring.
I recover for a round then start hitting heavy bag, I was throwing combos well with proper snapping but my lungs and heart were on fire. At this point a guy employee who has used multiple elevation trainers dares me to do a boxing conditioning class that was about to start… I should mention I am very dumb.

Class begins and I am just dying in the first 10 minutes. We then get to the rounds of heavy bag I am hitting hard and fast (i know because as I am typing I see my knuckles are brused) but I can tell I my recovery between combos is slower and my slips not up to speed. I made it all 6 rounds, I felt great because I saw other people had dropped out WITH OUT O2 TRAINERS. After the rounds we do core and I swear the coach picked the exercises just to make it worse. I was given a 25lb plate which I held on my chest as we did 6 minutes of leg lifts, twist, flutters. I breathing at this point as very very hard to do. During the stretch I was making a lot of noise breathing in and out.

I have never felt so beat before. I am very much hooked with the O2 trainer and am recommending it to everyone I know, already tonight I had a lot of people ask about the O2 trainer. I am very proud to tell people too that the product is from El Guapo himself Bas Rutten. I am a boxing fan, I train boxing and sometimes watch MMA; BUT, I have always been a fan of El Guapo in the ring, his advice and just his great positive attitude.

If I had to make the choice of only having 2 pieces of equipment to workout with the rest of my life it will be my running shoes and the Bas Rutten O2 trainer.
Mahalos guys on a great product.

– Brandon A.