Getting on Board with Life-Changing Innovations - O2Trainer -

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Getting on Board with Life-Changing Innovations

December 08, 2018 3 min read

I remember when portable mp3 players first hit the market and people were raving that it was the next big thing. 

For a while, I looked at those devices and thought “no way!” I was totally fine with my CD collection and my stereo and so forth. It wasn’t until a friend lent me one to try it out that I realized how much sense these little devices made. You could switch songs, artists and albums without having to do more than hit a few buttons. That’s when it clicked for me.

When I talk to people about working out with the O2 Trainer, I kind of feel the same way. After all, it is this small device that can revolutionize people’s everyday lives, but it almost seems too good to be true. But you know the old saying: big things come in small packages. Just like those mp3 players took over the marketplace in almost no time, people are really starting to understand why using the O2 Trainer to cut down on their workout times is actually a really good thing


For some reason, I think it’s human nature to avoid big changes. There will always be some brave early adopters who always want the latest gadgets, but for the rest of us, we’d rather see if something stands the test of time before we’re willing to jump on the bandwagon. The thing is, once we do, it’s almost always the case that we can’t remember what things were like beforehand or why we waited so long to get on board.

When it comes to working out, a lot of pro athletes are like early adopters when it comes to new methods, devices and techniques. They’re actually paid to be in the best physical shape possible, and so it’s easy to see why these things are like investments. I know that back in my mixed martial arts days, I was always looking for ways to maximize my output in the gym and to improve my diet with the latest recommendations from doctors and nutritionists. Now that my fighting days are behind me, though, it’s easier to understand the mindset of people who might not be pro athletes.

For some people, they just want to mimic the workouts they might have had in high school or college. They’ve got their routine down, and they’re comfortable with it, so there’s no real incentive to try something new. For other people, getting to the gym often enough might be a challenge of its own, so once they’re there, it’s just about running on autopilot.


That’s probably the best part of telling people about the O2 Trainer. You don’t have to mix up your routines or change the workouts that you’ve been doing for years. In fact, you can do the same exact things, only faster. Just like an mp3 player replaced the need to bring sleeves and sleeves of CDs on a road trip, the O2 Trainer can really streamline your time at the gym to give you more time to spend checking off the other items on your daily to-do lists. And if you think that it’s cheating or somehow too easy, well, I’ve got news for you. Just give it one spin on the treadmill or stationary bike and you’ll see for yourself.